Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Koala Painter Qt image plugin

Yesterday I was playing with Qt plugins and accidentally wrote Koala Painter image plugin for Qt4. It has been tested with Image Viewer available with Qt4 source code. Next step will be to write plugins for other C64 image formats.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Xfce based on Qt toolkit

Some time ago i've start writing Qt port of xfce4-panel.
Mainly to don't forget how to write programs using Qt toolkit.
Now it is in phase pre-alpha (not usable), but works even
have few plugin (launcher, show-desktop and action).
If i'll have more time, maybe i'll continue the work and
the goal will be something similar to xfce only based on Qt.
But the question is: Is there anybody who is interested to
using something like that?

Cross makepkg

Durning works on my Master Thesis i've create port of makepkg script from ArchLinux distro. I've called it cmakepkg. Now it can compile and build packages for diffrent architecture using installed cross compiler. Using this tool i've successfully build several packages for powerpc architecture.

cmakepkg additional features:
- saving man, include files are now configurable
- config file stored in ~/.config/cmakepkg/
- configurable target platform
- configurable development envirnoment and path to it

Previously i've prepare PKGBUILD'd for cross powerpc development envirnoment, which contains:
- binutils
- gcc and g++
- glibc